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The news section is packed with up-to-date information about the clinic, important information regarding the clinic operation and surgery times.

Information day for couples with fertility problems

Are you searching for information about IVF? We offer you a free information talk in our IVF center!

Friday, 4.10.2024

Get to know us and our IVF centre at a free IVF information event. Your medical questions will be answered there. If you are interested in participation, please contact us directly via e-mail,
or via phone +420 377 279 350.

PF 2024

We wish you a lot of health, happiness, and satisfaction in the new year 2024 and furthure more we promise to continue fulfilling our motto
"giving life to love" for you.

IVF/ICSI with donated oocytes
On stock, no need of waiting!

"The chances of pregnancy through egg donation are very good if modern treatment methods are used by a truly experienced team. Thanks to our center you will get the following benefits”

  • Instant therapy
  • Carefully choose donors with good social status and health
  • Donor's testing: genetic tests (karyotype, CFTR, SMA, GBJ2), gynecological examination, toxicological test of blood and urine, determination of blood group and Rh factor
  • State-of-the-art assisted reproduction techniques such as IMSI (Intracytoplasmic Injection of Morphologically Selected Sperm), Time-lapse Incubator, Assisted Hatching, Vitrification - safe method of freezing genetic material, Embryo glue, and many others
  • Cultivation to the blastocyst stage
  • Warranty of 2 blastocysts

New reinforcement of the medical team Next Fertility IVF Prof. Zech Pilsen

"Our medical team has recently expanded with a new member, Dr. Petr Černaj.
Why did he choose this field?

"I've always been fascinated by the birth of life. Due to several years of gynaecological and obstetric practice, I was able to get into the secrets of pregnancy and childbirth. So far, I have helped mothers to give birth to a healthy newborn and now I have the honor to help at the very beginning of the miracle of the creation of a new life," he adds to the new chapter of his career.

The story of Klára's, our patient, had a happy ending thanks to the team of experts in Next Fertility IVF Prof. Zech Pilsen.


Next Fertility
IVF Prof. Zech Pilsen s.r.o.
Bedřicha Smetany 167/2,
301 00 Plzeň - Vnitřní Město


+420 377 279 350


Surgery hours

Monday08:00 - 16:00
Tuesday08:00 - 16:00
Wednesday08:00 - 16:00
Thursday08:00 - 16:00
Friday08:00 - 16:00